Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Download Complete MP3 Quran With Urdu Translation In One File (Quran Sudais And Shuraim With Urdu Translation)

Mp3 Quran Sudais And Shuraim With Urdu Translation

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How the Holy Quran was written and compiled? Part -2
Bismillahir Rahman nir Raheem

Assalam oalaikum,

As I have discussed earlier the first compilation of the Holy Quran
took place as a measure to protect it.
In order to understand the reason why the second compilation became a
necessity first we will have to understand the concept of the 7 Huroof
in the Quran.

The following authentic ahadith will be helpful in understanding the
concept better:
• In Sahih Muslim there is a Hadith which states that once Prophet
Mohammad (saw) was sitting near a pond which belonged to Bani Gifar
clan and Angel Jibra’eel (AS) came to him and asked him to order his
Ummah to recite Al-Qur’an as per a single Harf (word) or Qirat.
Prophet Mohammad (saw) told him that his Ummah was not capable of
doing it, then Jibra’eel (AS) came again and asked Prophet Mohammad
(saw) to order his Ummah to recite Al-Qur’an as per two haroof
(words) or Qirats. Prophet Mohammad (saw) repeated the same words
which he had said on first occasion, this process continued and in the
end Jibre’aal (AS) asked Prophet Mohammad (saw) to order his Ummah to
recite the Qur’an as per seven Haroof or (words) or Qirats. This
permission to recite Al-Qur’an as per seven Haroof was to make it easy
for the Ummah.
• Prophet Mohammad (saw) said:
"The Quran was revealed in seven dialects"
One day when Prophet Mohammad (saw) met Hazrat Jibreel
(alaihis-salaam) he said to him: ‘I have been sent to a nation among
whom there are old, weak and illiterate people. Ask Allah to reveal
The Quran in more than one way (so that they all will be able to read
it).’"'Umar b. Khattab said: I heard Hisham b. Hakim b. Hizam reciting
Surah al-Furqan in a style different from that in which I used to
recite it, and in which Allah's Messenger (saw) had taught me to
recite it. I was about to dispute with him (on this style) but I
delayed till he had finished that (the recitation). Then I caught hold
of his cloak and brought him to the Messenger of Allah (saw) and said:
Messenger of Allah, I heard this man reciting Surah al-Furqan in a
style different from the one in which you taught me to recite. Upon
this the Messenger of Allah (saw) told (me) to leave him alone and
asked him to recite. He then recited in the style in which I beard him
recite it. The Messenger of Allah (saw) then said: Thus was it sent
down. He then told me to recite and I recited it, and he said: Thus
was it sent down. The Qur'an was sent down in seven dialects. So
recite what seems easy there from" (Sahih Muslim, Book 4, Number 1782)

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1 Al-Fatiha (The Opening), سورة الفاتحة
2 Al-Baqara (The Cow), سورة البقرة
3 Al-Imran (The Family of Imran),سورة آل عمران
4 An-Nisa (The Women),سورة النساء
5 Al-Ma'ida (The Table),سورة المائدة
6 Al-An'am (The Cattle),سورة الأنعام
7 Al-A'raf (The Heights),سورة الأعراف
8 Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War), سورة الأنفال
9 At-Taubah (The Repentance), سورة التوبة
10 Yunus (Jonah),سورة يونس
11 Hud (Hud),سورة هود

12 Yusuf (Joseph),سورة يوسف

13 Ar-Ra'd (The Thunder), سورة الرعد
14 Ibrahim (Abraham),سورة ابراهيم
15 Al-Hijr (The Stoneland, The Rock City),سورة الحجر
16 An-Nahl (The Bee), سورة النحل
17 Al-Isra (Night Journey,Children of Israel), سورة الإسراء
18 Al-Kahf (The Cave),سورة الكهف
19 Maryam (Mary),سورة مريم
20 Ta-Ha (Ta-Ha),سورة طه
21 Al-Anbiya (The Prophets),سورة الأنبياء
22 Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage, The Hajj),سورة الحج
23 Al-Muminun (The Believers),سورة المؤمنون
24 An-Noor (The Light),سورة النور
25 Al-Furqan (The Criterion),سورة الفرقان
26 Ash-Shu'ara (The Poets),سورة الشعراء
27 An-Naml (The Ant, The Ants),سورة النمل
28 Al-Qasas (The Stories),سورة القصص
29 Al-Ankabut (The Spider),سورة العنكبوت
30 Ar-Rum (The Romans),سورة الروم
31 Luqman (Luqman),سورة لقمان
32 As-Sajdah (The Prostration),سورة السجدة
33 Al-Ahzab (The Clans, The Combined Forces),سورة الأحزاب
34 Saba (Saba, Sheba),سورة سبأ
35 Fatir (Orignator),سورة فاطر
36 Ya-Seen (Ya-seen),سورة يس
37 As-Saaffat (Those Who Set The Ranks),سورة الصافات
38 Saad (The Letter Saad),سورة ص
39 Az-Zumar (The Troops, Throngs),سورة الزمر
40 Ghafir (The Forgiver),سورة غافر
41 Fussilat (Explained In Detail),سورة فصلت
42 Ash-Shura (Council, Consultation),سورة الشورى
43 Az-Zukhruf (Ornaments Of Gold),سورة الزخرف
44 Ad-Dukhan (Smoke),سورة الدخان
45 Al-Jathiya (Crouching),سورة الجاثية
46 Al-Ahqaf (The Wind-curved Sandhills),سورة الأحقاف
47 Muhammad (Muhammad),سورة محمد
48 Al-Fath (Victory, Conquest),سورة الفتح
49 Al-Hujraat (The Rooms),سورة الحجرات
50 Qaf (The Letter Qaf),سورة ق
51 Adh-Dhariyat (The Winnowing Winds),سورة الذاريات
52 At-Tur (The Mount),سورة الطور
53 An-Najm (The Star),سورة النجم
54 Al-Qamar (The Moon),سورة القمر
55 Ar-Rahman (The Beneficent, The Mercy Giving),سورة الرحمن
56 Al-Waqia (The Event, The Inevitable),سورة الواقعة
57 Al-Hadid (The Iron), سورة الحديد
58 Al-Mujadila (The Pleading Woman),سورة المجادلة
59 Al-Hashr (Exile, Banishment),سورة الحشر
60 Al-Mumtahina (She That Is To Be Examined),سورة الممتحنة
61 As-Saff (The Ranks),سورة الصف
62 Al-Jumua (The Congregation, Friday),سورة الجمعة
63 Al-Munafiqoon (The Hypocrites),سورة المنافقون
64 At-Taghabun (Mutual Disillusion),سورة التغابن
65 At-Talaq (Divorce),سورة الطلاق
66 At-Tahrim (The Prohibition),سورة التحريم
67 Al-Mulk (The Sovereignty),سورة الملك
68 Al-Qalam (The Pen),سورة القلم
69 Al-Haaqqah (The Reality),سورة الحاقة
70 Al-Maarij (The Ascending Stairways),سورة المعارج
71 Nuh (Nooh),سورة نوح
72 Al-Jinn (The Jinn),سورة الجن
73 Al-Muzzammil (The Enshrouded One),سورة المزمل
74 Al-Muddaththir (The Man Wearing A Cloak),سورة المدثر
75 Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection),سورة القيامة
76 Al-Insan (The Man),سورة الإنسان
77 Al-Mursalat (The Emissaries),سورة المرسلات
78 An-Naba (The Tidings),سورة النبأ
79 An-Naziat (Those Who Drag Forth),سورة النازعات
80 Abasa (He Frowned),سورة عبس
81 At-Takwir (The Overthrowing),سورة التكوير
82 Al-Infitar (The Cleaving),سورة الإنفطار
83 Al-Mutaffifin (The Defrauding),سورة المطففين
84 Al-Inshiqaq (The Sundering),سورة الإنشقاق
85 Al-Burooj (The Mansions Of The Stars),سورة الإنشقاق
86 At-Tariq (The Nightcomer),سورة الطارق
87 Al-Ala (The Most High),سورة الأعلى
88 Al-Ghashiyah (The Overwhelming),سورة الغاشية
89 Al-Fajr (The Dawn),سورة الفجر
90 Al-Balad (The City),سورة البلد
91 Ash-Shams (The Sun),سورة الشمس
92 Al-Lail (The Night),سورة الليل
93 Ad-Dhuha (The Morning Hours),سورة الضحى
94 Al-Inshirah (The Relief),سورة الشرح
95 At-Tin (The Fig, The Figtree),سورة التين
96 Al-Alaq (The Clot, Recite),سورة العلق
97 Al-Qadr (Power, Fate),سورة القدر
98 Al-Bayyina (The Clear Proof),سورة البينة
99 Az-Zalzalah (The Earthquake),سورة الزلزلة
100 Al-Adiyat (The Courser),سورة العاديات
101 Al-Qaria (The Calamity),سورة القارعة
102 At-Takathur (The Piling Up, Competition),سورة التكاثر
103 Al-Asr (The Declining Day),سورة العصر
104 Al-Humaza (The Traducer),سورة الهمزة
105 Al-Fil (The Elephant),سورة الفيل
106 Quraish (Quraish),سورة قريش
107 Al-Ma'un (The Small Kindnesses),سورة الماعون
108 Al-Kawthar (Abundance, Plenty),سورة الكوثر
109 Al-Kafirun (The Disbelievers),سورة الكافرون
110 An-Nasr (Succour, Divine Support),سورة النصر
111 Al-Masad (The Palm Fibre),سورة المسد
112 Al-Ikhlas (Sincerity),سورة الإخلاص
113 Al-Falaq (The Daybreak, Dawn),سورة الفلق
114 Al-Nas (Mankind),سورة الناس

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